By using this website the visitor agrees to hereby comply with all Terms of Service and Conditions of Use, effective as of Oct 1, 2014. You are advised to diligently read the terms of service and conditions of use below:

This website and all content, features, information, services and software are made available by Digital247. All aforementioned materials provided on or through this website can only be used under the following terms and conditions:


If Digital247 does not produce significantly improved rankings across the major search engines after the initial six-month service, then the service will be extended for a time period agreed upon by concerned parties, at no additional cost. We do not guarantee any specified increase in the number of new prospects or customers. We do not guarantee any specific increase in web traffic or sales, or any precise placement or ranking with specific search engines.

This service excludes Advertising, PPC Programs, Web Design and any other Specialized Services mentioned or not mentioned in the SEO agreement.

Employment of third-party SEO services during the terms of service with Digital247, without our expressed written approval, contravenes the terms of service and voids the SEO agreement. No guarantees or refunds will be provided.

Digital247 is not liable for content found on client sites nor for any third party matters related to said content. Digital247 is not liable for any loss of engine ranking(s) that arise from the employment of features or techniques that have been added to the client site(s) by a third party and without our approval or knowledge, be they pre-existing or added after the fact, so long as this service agreement is in effect. Digital247 is not accountable for any third party SEO services employed on the site before or during this service agreement.

Digital247 is committed to ethical SEO (please refer to our Code of Ethics); our company employs only those services which meet with complete approval from established major search engines and comply with all engine guidelines.


This site is owned and operated by Digital247. ( Site visitors and/or users can access most site information and features. Digital247 reserves the right to suspend or prohibit visitor and/or user access to the site at any time, and with or without notice.

Limited visitor access: Visitors have limited access to the website; access and use of the site is not exclusive and it cannot be transferred to others. It is also restricted in accordance with these terms of use, and may be terminated and/or revoked at any time by the provider, for any specified reason.

Limited to personal & non-commercial intent: Visitors may only employ this site for personal, non-commercial use. All content and software (i.e. Free SEO Toolkit) may only be used as a shopping resource. As a visitor, you are strictly forbidden from copying, displaying, distributing, licensing, performing, publishing, reproducing, revising, selling, sending, transferring or transmitting any information, products, services or software available at this site.

Obligations and Rights

No rights and/or obligations may be assigned, sub-licensed or transferred to a third party, as per these terms and conditions.

Limitations on Disclaimers and Liabilities

Visitors hereby understand and agree that the website is available to them, but that its use is subject to the following disclaimer and liability conditions, to which they must adhere:

The availability of this site at any given time is subject to its delivery to visitors by the Web; Digital247 agrees to do its best to avoid delays and interruptions in the delivery and revising of the site. Digital247 will not be liable in any way to visitors for any aforementioned delays and/or interruptions. All site information is provided to visitors without any express or implied guarantees or warranties.

Neither Digital247, nor any third party involved in producing or providing site information or whose content or features appear in the site, will be held accountable or liable for any damages or injury arising from, but not limited to, any of the following: computer virus, defect, delay in operation of transmission, error, interruption, line failure, performance failure, omission, technical inaccuracy, or inability to employ features or use material found on the site. This disclaimer holds even in the event of negligence on the part of Digital247, or in the event that an authorized Digital247 representative has been made aware of such damages occurring, or both.

Digital247 is committed to making sure that all website content is accurate, current, and relevant, but is not liable for “honest” site mistakes such as incorrect images, incorrect product descriptions or pricing information, and photographic or typographical errors.

Digital247 reserves the right to withdraw any content or information, or any part, from the website, if the provider of said materials withdraws or curtails the authority or license of Digital247 to feature these materials in the site. This may not apply to site visitors to the extent that applicable laws may disallow the exclusion or limitation of ability for consequential or incidental damages.

Content available on the site is not considered as either legal advice or as confidential; the accuracy and comprehensiveness of all site materials is not guaranteed or promised. Visitors employ any and all content on this site, or content linked from this site, at their own risk.

Links to External Websites

Digital247 is not responsible for the contents of any external website linked to, or for any potential repercussions due to use of such a link. Digital247 cannot control which particular sites are linked to its own, and as such users access those sites at their own risk. Further to the point, Digital247 is not responsible for the privacy practices and/or policies of these sites.

Digital247 does not necessarily endorse external websites linked to, nor does it necessarily endorse their content, information and/or features. Digital247 does not necessarily have a relationship with either the external site(s) linked to or its owner(s) or proprietor(s).

Accountability: Website visitors agree not to hold accountable and to support against all claims, damages, expenses, losses and costs, including attorneys’ fees, Digital247 and any of its managers, employees, agents, licensors, suppliers and any third party information providers to the site.

Mistakes & Revisions: Digital247 does not claim in any way that the linked external website or its contents are free of mistakes, viruses or other problems, or that the defects will be rectified or that the site will always be accessible. Digital247 does not claim in any way that the content will be accurate, correct, relevant or reliable. At any time Digital247 can revise any and all information on its own site provided by third party sites.

Third Party Materials: Third Party content may appear on this website or may be accessible via site links. Digital247 shall not be held accountable for and is not liable for any defamation, falsehood, infringement, libel, mistakes, misstatements, omissions, pornography, profanity or omissions in any form of third party content appearing on this website. Digital247 does not necessarily endorse or support any information or opinions found in third party content on this website.

Changes to Conditons of Use

The Conditions of Use may be altered by Digital247 at any time, and revised versions that appear on this website are effective upon posting. Visitors are responsible for reviewing these terms, and continued use of the site after such changes have been incorporated translates into implied consent.

Privacy and Security Concerns

Digital247 is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers; all client information is strictly confidential and is collected only to process orders. All personal information is discarded once an order for SEO services has been properly processed. We guarantee that there will be absolutely no selling or renting of any client’s name, address, email address, credit card information, production selection or personal information. This privacy policy is not intended to and does not establish any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party.

Security measures are employed to protect all customers against the alteration, loss and/or misuse of any pertinent information under our control. Digital247 ensures that all company information is stored in a secured database, and will be kept confidential at all times, unless requested by the client concerned.

No personal information on individuals will be shared, sold or rented to anybody, without the prior permission of the individual in question or unless so ordered by a court of law. The information submitted to Digital247 by companies is only available to employees specifically assigned to manage specific accounts, for the sole purpose of contacting the company and/or individual or for sending requested information via email. Any changes to our stated use of personal information will be announced on the site and by email. In such instances, site visitors have the option of either accepting or rejecting our use of personal information in a different manner.

Digital247 is committed to providing opportunities for all site visitors to have their information available to third parties if they so desire, but visitors will always be notified of this beforehand. All site visitors have the option of proceeding with services involving a third party.

Any changes to our privacy policy will be announced on the home page, at least one week prior to the new regulations taking effect.

Trademark Issues

All third party copyrights, trademarks and content/materials found on the site are protected, and belong to the original owners. These terms and conditions and Ontario laws prohibit site visitors from copying, distributing, displaying, licensing, publishing, revising, selling and/or transmitting any and all site content, for commercial or public intent. Without written permission from either Digital247 or a third party, if applicable, the use of all trademarks is forbidden.

Advertisers & Sponsors: Website advertisers and sponsors are responsible for the accuracy of any and all content and/or material submitted for site inclusion; all information supplied must comply with applicable and existing laws. Digital247 is not liable for any errors or illegal, inaccurate and/or omitted information provided by third parties.

Accesibility of visitor materials: Website visitors who upload content or submit materials for use on this site agree to cede to Digital247 an irreversible, ongoing, royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive right and license (with right to sublicense) to the following: to employ, revise, reproduce, publish, publicly employ or show, digitally display and employ, and distribute said materials into any current form, medium or technology, or any developed in the future. This also applies to content and/or materials visitors use or employ on the behalf of the original owner, who is assumed to grant the same. It is agreed that visitors to the website will not take any action against Digital247 for any actual or assumed infringement or misappropriation of any propriety right in communicating with the site or company.

No visitor selling or soliciting: Without written consent from Digital247, website visitors cannot distribute on or through this site any content that features advertising, promoting or selling of products or services, or selling of memberships or subscriptions. In interactive areas of the site, visitors are allowed to list their company information and/or recommend third party websites, products or services provided that there is no financial interest in so doing and that no direct or indirect benefits are accrued. Solicitation involving website-retrieved information is not allowed.

Violations of Terms & Conditions – Recourse Actions

Digital247 reserves the right to investigate complaints or alleged violations of our Conditions of Use. In cases of proven or suspected violations, Digital247 can employ action deemed appropriate, including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: prohibit access from specific internet addresses to the company website and/or affiliate websites and/or features; report alleged unlawful activity to law enforcement officials, regulators or other third parties; and present relevant information to aforementioned parties (i.e. email and/or IP addresses, posted information, traffic details, usage history, and user profiles).

To find out more about terms and conditions for Digital247, an established Digital Marketing, Web Designing, Hosting, Domain, please contact us today.

WZ- 47A, 1st Floor, Office No.: 7, Vashisht Park, Sagarpur, Main Road, ( Near Aggarwal Sweet Corner ) Janakpuri, New Delhi, Delhi – 110046, India

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